The countdown continues. I plan on at least a couple of beers here Friday afternoon before leaving for the holidays. I am really looking forward to quite a few days away but was kind of hoping for a bit of algid weather to put me in the proper frame of mind. I hate to deprive but you may have to find something else to do at work next week instead of reading the blog – work would be a good alternative 🙂 Until then, we are plugging away doing the mundane pre-winter tasks. We do have quite the work load building for the winter so there will be more interesting reading coming after the holidays.
This year we went to getting oil in 55 gallon drums instead of buckets. They said it would be easier than dealing with the 5 gallon pails, but I noticed they are
pouring it off into 5 gallon pails — go figure!

Our supplier ran out of drums of antifreeze so we are going in the opposite direction than we are with the oil — small containers into a big one so we can use our winterizing rig.

One of the boats that came in for storage was a recently purchased boat with a rather large work order. One of the tasks was to remove everything from the lazarette and give it a wicked good cleaning. I notice Carlos pulled out the big guns for this — his toothbrush.

Mid Week Pick Me Up
Last minute gift idea?