See, I told you I was on a 3 day posting schedule. I had several people mention that I had not posted yesterday and that is why. I
could bore you with winterizing photos but I’m not going to do that. Suffice it to say we have fun filled days of pumping antifreeze through systems and a daily delivery of antifreeze.
We did have a customer who just bought an Eastbay 49 who wanted us to simply repaint the transom and put the new name on. When the boat arrived we found that there had been an old repair to the transom as is evidenced by a pronounced dimple and cracked paint. We need to find out what is below that repair before proceeding with the new repair.
Just in Time for Christmas’s 4-DVD Box Set Boating Course

What better gift to give than the most complete boating course ever developed? Based on the feedback we’ve been getting about’s boating course it’s clearly not only for beginners, but for veteran boaters as well. This 4-disc box set is loaded with bonus features too! Order now to beat the rush before the holiday is upon us.
Order here…
Watch the trailer…
Mid-Week Pick Me Up