Everybody showed today – maybe I won’t be so lonely! With only a few calls yesterday I felt like the Maytag repair man. I’m sure anyone on the coast had more pressing business than dealing with boating problems. We did have some residual effects of the storm yesterday — by the time I left a 4:45 the water had almost crested the bulkhead. I haven’t seen it that high since Irene. Watching the devastation from this storm on TV made me so thankful that we saw so little of the destruction here in Trappe.
We have jumped right into moving boats to where they need to go. During the hectic hauling we just put them in the most convenient place without using the trailer — which slows us down considerably. We did have the Endeavor 44 TrawlerCat come in over the weekend which is snugly in a slip awaiting a haul out. This is a pretty cool boat and is one helluva lot larger than it looks in this photo.

We also did not stop to winterize boats during the frenzy. This means we have to go back and do all the winterizing on those. There are several boats we have not had before and this means trying to find out where all the equipment is and what the boat actually has that needs winterizing. Fortunately some boats have manuals aboard that help with that.

Back to the hurricane. I mentioned Irene and this photo tells the whole picture on that comparison. (click on photo)

John had promised some photos from Oxford but so far has been a no-show. Maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, on our website there are
photos of our yard during Isabel back in 2003 and
Oxford during that same storm. See, we are a “hurricane harbor!”
Mid-Week Pick Me Up
I had a customer send me an audio file that was hilarious. I wanted to share it here but it was too large to upload — but I did find the clip on you tube. I think I know this woman!