I actually have stuff today! Pat went over to take care of some nice folks who were out cruising on a Grand Banks 46 and were experiencing a stabilizer malfunction and also had some alternator issues. We were able to straighten out all their problems and they should be on their way sometime today. Of course you know that Oxford = No Pictures.
Here at the homestead we are all out on the Eastbay 49 that will be going to to the boat show. The new hatch lifts are in so we were able to remove the 2×4 which had been holding up the hatch since we started working in the engine room. The owner told me none of the people he had working on the boat down south could find the Bansbach lifts — they should have just called me.

The primer on the engine mounts had
plenty of drying time so we find got them painted black and they look great.

All the rust has been taken care of in the generator soundshield base and it has a fresh coat of paint. The whole thing should be put back together today.

There was still a lot of clean up to do in the engine room. The new exhaust elbows should be here today but we have to get a bunch of soot out of the engine room due to the leaks from the old ones. This was the job that originally brought the boat to us. We do have strengths you know.
Mid-Week Pick Me Up
I wanted to remind you about the Fall Festival in Trappe this weekend. So in celebration of Fall we should enjoy this oldie: