Wow did we ever have a “significant weather episode” yesterday — well several actually. The last occurred while I was out walking the dog where I got totally soaked due to my inability to see 10 minutes into the future. Lots of rain but not much in the way of thunder and lightning.
I forgot to mention earlier in the week that Willy has officially retired now and will no longer be with us. Retiring at 62 is something that I
could aspire to but it won’t be financially feasible. But I will drop down to a 4 day work week at that point. We predict the drama level to drop about 62% now.

The paint job is essentially finished on the Navy 44 and does it look great. There was a bit of dust in the transom due to the high wind finding itself into the building yesterday. But with Awlcraft we can easily buff that out.

And here it is all unmasked and ready for minor detailing. Just so you know, it normally does not take this long to spray a boat but the customer was not in a hurry and vacation scheduling just seemed to drag the project out.

We started to set this little mast yesterday but got rained out. It just kept coming over and over again. To quote Ollie the Weatherman, “
It’s raining sideways!” So we are back on it first thing this morning. You can see the remnants of the rain laying in the parking lot.

And let’s not forget Angus who has been working back in the big building alone so usually gets forgotten. It’s just building up touch ups but we don’t want to forget anyone.

It’s a great day – at least for Carlos who scooted out here a few minute ago to take his wife to the hospital for the delivery of their 2nd baby. Congratulations Carlos!
Mid-Week Pick Me Up
Dedicated to Carlos