We had heavy rain all around us yesterday yet we remained in the dry pocket and are on the cusp of a severe drought here in Trappe. Fortunately we don’t have gardens we need to water like I do at home. We do have plenty of grass to cut though and Izzy seems to have found his calling — the yard looks much better than when we had an outside company coming in to do it. Every week we tackle more and more of the formerly neglected areas.

Willy came in during his vacation just to do a battery test on a boat — he’s the only one that has the fancy meter that does comprehensive tests. He also got roped into some tasks for John which only proves that
no good deed goes unpunished.

On that same boat we got the bearing installed yesterday and what a difference that makes! You can turn the shaft with one hand now whereas you could barely turn it with the prop and two hands before we replaced it.

We never seem to be out of polishing work at any time of the year. Some people just realize the importance of maintaining the gelcoat and the value of their investment. We had just done all the exterior varnish on this boat over in Oxford and man does it shine! This boat could be yours – see the
brokerage listing.

They started the high build primer on the Navy 44 yesterday. Just for giggles Kevin tried out Angus’ new
$20 Harbor Freight spray gun for this since his small gun had a small tip on it for touch up work and wouldn’t really spray the thick high build. The report was the gun was worth every penny – and a few more. It’s on my shopping list now.