It’s going to hit a balmy 33 today – above freezing! Tomorrow may be icy rain early in the day. I probably won’t leave the house on crutches should that happen. I have already delayed the healing process by not staying off the leg as much as was prescribed.
They are going to do bead blasting on the Jet Drives we started a few weeks ago. We don’t, however, want to get the blasting component all over the shop and other boats so we had to build a little containment field for the job. This has the Plexiglas shield and the glove portals to use the gun. We can move it from side to side as needed.

John loves to tinker and make gadgets. Nothing lights him up like when he is playing with parts. I have shown only a few of them in the blog from time to time. Since everyone was working in Oxford on Friday and I don’t have any photos of that work I can show you a couple of the most recent gadgets.
The first is a gizmo to test multiple pressure solenoids. I believe he plans on running air into this rig and hitting each solenoid to see which ones open the valve. The last permutation I saw had even more outlets – looking like a brass octopus.

The second is a more usable device which anyone can put together from parts from your local hardware store. This is a tank drainer for winterizing your boat. If you have a Grand Banks you probably have found out how hard it is to drain your water tanks. To use this, you just cut the water line close to the tanks before any equipment and install. To drain the tank you just open the valve. I have seen toilet valves rust before so choose your valves carefully.

They will be installing new window track on an Eastbay this morning and I hope I can get someone to take photos of this process.