I’m getting real tired of posting the SOS everyday. We do have a GB32 coming in today to get an estimate on having fuel tanks replaced. That would be interesting. And there is some interesting things on the GB42 but
until the windows are back in I am stuck with repetitive posting material. I can’t abandon the blog however – it is the highlight of my day (
and that’s just sad!) Since I failed to get my half day last Friday, I may quietly disappear at lunch time. If you ask, they can say no.
That being said, let’s get repetitive. The bottom job is down to the smoothing and will be painted probably on Monday. After today’s final sanding it should be
baby-bottom smooth.

Our test went so well on the window frames that we were ready to set up production. In this heat
the epoxy workability is diminished greatly so we have to use the assembly line style of coating the frames.

We had two guys with heat guns and one applying the epoxy. One would pre-heat the wood and the other would be working with the epoxy applicator to get the wood to the optimal temperature. This morning we started the
deglossing process so we can prime them all this afternoon.

Anything Can Happen Friday
This Day in History:
There’s no accounting for taste:

This came in my mailbox a few minutes ago from the Boattest.com website. Now I’m not all that sophisticated, but there must be someone who likes the look of this Meridian. In their defense, it doesn’t look THAT bad without the enclosure. You can see the boat at the
Boat Test website.