The rain has moved in and decided to spend the day with us – how delightful. Actually I like working at home in my workshop in the rain. The sound it makes on my tin roof is very restful – at least when I can hear it over my stereo. Here it is not so nice as it has driven everyone inside to work on project where they can stay dry and hopefully not get wet moving to the other buildings.
The trim around the helmseat on the GB46 should be done today. I had high hopes of it being done yesterday but when you are doing custom fit corners there is a lot of adjusting and all the tools are in the shop and boat is out in the back 40. That’s a lot of back and forth time. Plus the chance of being distracted increases in proportion to the distance you are from the job.

We had a failed Groco Washdown pump in a GB42. This is an odd impeller on this pump as the blades are not fixed but rather just sit in slots and the centrifugal force of the pump slings them out to touch the walls of the housing. This is the first one I have seen and when I ordered the impeller it came with zero blades – that’s right, zero. The impeller takes 8 so in their infinite wisdom they decide to sell the blades in packs of 4. Come on, this can’t be more than a 3cent part – fill the damned pack up.

The Bennett Trim Indicator kit is now complete. What we didn’t realize is that this system has an auto-retract system so it also requires the control box to be replaced so it took a little longer than we anticipated but it does work like a dream. When you turn the boat off the tabs automatically retract.

When the owner of this
little Chaparral inspected the gel coat we had done a few months ago he had trouble finding it since it had virtually disappeared. I told him to look for the “shiny spot”. Of course, now we need to make the whole boat the shiny spot!