Another sunny day and a great weekend ahead. We have started estimates for a couple of new projects coming into the yard (
hopefully). I understand we are having an air conditioning / refrigeration sale during June but the details are secret. Contact John if you want a deal on the aforementioned items – just in time for the hot weather that is inevitable.
The Albin is almost done. Now that the boat is unmasked we started cleaning up the parts that had been removed – such as the swim platform brackets.

As you can see, it is coming together now. We should have the boat ready to show by next week. The current plan is to put the boat in front of Oxford where there is a lot of drive-by traffic. That’s how we sold the last Albin and a MJM. Lot’s o’ boaters in that town!

I mentioned the electronics install on the GB46 yesterday. We are using the King Starboard in two locations – one on the face of the old pod and the other to create a plate to cover old holes in the dash where old instruments were mounted. You gotta love this stuff!

And here is the semi-finished product in place. A bit more wiring and programming and we can move on to other things.

The owner of this boat is another “hands on” guy. He has been here working on the boat for a straight week this time and I accused him of making our guys look bad!

Steve Price was patterning this boat’s dinghy for a new cover this morning.

Tank Job Update – the hoses and fittings are all being installed today. You can see that the bilges are now painted. We purposely waited until all the heavy work was done so they didn’t get all scarred up with tanks, support framing and the like. I should have better photos next week of the completed project.
Anything Can Happen Friday

Eventually we will have to stop using copper based bottom paint in the Chesapeake – just like a lot of places have already done. Fortunately the paint industry is hedging it’s bets. There are now new alternatives coming on the market all the time – Pettit has
Ultima Eco, Interlux has
Pacifica and there is a new boy on the street –
EcoClad. All use
Econeain lieu of copper – which is a copper-free biocide offering unsurpassed protection at very low concentrations.
They are a bit more expensive than their copper cousins but what isn’t in the marine industry (or anywhere else in this economy?) It doesn’t matter what the cost is, we will eventually be using them and other environmentally friendly products if we want to boat the bay.
Just for Fun