I thought it was today I was supposed to sit and wait for the counter top guy to measure but have learned it is tomorrow. Well
I wasn’t actually wrong, I was
given wrong information. I wish I could say that only happens at home, but that
would be wrong. In any event it is my job to bore you to tears today since most of the day was spent on exhaustive shop clean up and getting ready for the insurance inspection. One place we usually get a slap on the wrist is fire extinguishers so this year we are prepared.

We are also setting up a waste oil center outside to keep it out of the shop. This is cut into the hill and will bulk headed and floored and I understand it will also have a roof. Of course all of this is hearsay.

We did get to do a bit of repair work yesterday on a small outboard. Most people don’t think of us first when they need outboard work but bring Tom on board should increase this activity here. He knows his stuff.