Just another Wet Wednesday. If we lost a couple of degrees it would be snowing but as it is we are just cold and wet. Things are happening but I don’t have photos or details on much of it since I am involved in a monumental task.
The Coosa board arrived around lunch time yesterday so they were able to get it cut and glassed into the hatches. Tight is good — we don’t want any voids in there. This material is forever – no rot or deterioration, but pockets of water will throw high moisture readings.

For it to bond we needed to clamp it down well and as they say, necessity is the mother of invention (or maybe that’s Frank Zappa!)

We have a contract on a boat and before the survey we are stripping and varnishing the rails. We do all we can to make sure boats get very little in the way of negative remarks on surveys.

One guy was removing a thruhull alone. In order to hold the outside with the thruhull wrench and be able to remove the seacock inside the boat he devised a holder for the wrench using a piece of chain and a screwdriver — hey, it worked fine!
Mid Week Pick Me Up