I’m going to be gone before lunch today and would not have come in at all if I hadn’t had to do the blog 🙂
The priority du jour (heure) is still the deck job. It should be finished today. On the larger areas Kevin had to
step up the power on the sanding primarily to cut the new rubber down. Someone then followed up with the random orbital to ensure all was flat and swirl-free.

As you see on this photo (I apologize for the lighting – early morning is not the best time to take a photo in the building) all seams are
tight and perfect. This still needs some grime removal from the sanding of the rubber.

The yard crew has several boat winterized and ready to haul. These would have been done yesterday had the wind been more cooperative.

The engine on the GB32 has now been painted and looks like new. If you have this Ford Lehman in your boat, you can use Cadillac Gold engine paint for a near perfect match. Available at your local Napa Store.

I just really like this shot of the
GB46 we have for sale in our brokerage department taken on a recent sea trial. Makes you want to buy the boat doesn’t it? (Credit Cards Accepted)
Anything Can Happen Friday

If you have never visited the
Sistine Chapel, you can take a
virtual tour here.
Don’t forget to look up!
We are staying at the
Fulton Steamboat Inn in Lancaster this weekend. I’ve been past it a dozen times with only a passing glance. I hope it is as nice as the website makes it look. We are also going to go on the
Ghost Tour – maybe we’ll get lucky!
Follow Up to Oil Analysis Treatise
We received this response to Willy’s article:
Hi Willy:
I was in Peoria, IL in the boat business when Caterpillar began the SOS program and we started using their oil sample analysis immediately. I have continued to use it for nearly 50 years. The first time I did sample analysis with Twin Disc gears I got some marginal readings which puzzled me for several years and I kept resampling and still could not get Cat’s readings to be where I thought they should be. Then I tried using Cat’s TDTO gear oil instead of Rotella and all of a sudden the readings were fine. Altho Cat would never confirm this, they tended to agree that the analysis did tend to favor certain oils as their “standard” and I am convinced TDTO is their standard for transmissions. I don’t think there was ever anything wrong with Rotella, but I still use TDTO now since the additional cost on two gallons of oil is not a big deal.
Enjoy the winter and tell the geese hello.