I thoroughly enjoyed my infrequent day off. After taking care of many tasks in the morning I got to spend the afternoon out in the workshop. But I should tell you about my trip to the dentist. I called in with a broken tooth. For $87
they confirmed that the tooth was indeed broken and set up an appointment for next week to get it capped. We would be rolling in cash if we could pull scams like that here! I guess I should have mailed them the large chunk of tooth so it
could have been pre-confirmed. On the plus side it did give me a legitimate excuse to be out of the office.
The day started off with the most important task – getting the office air conditioner working, although with the temperatures being so pleasant
I’m not sure it is all that important.

The dash work on the 42 Europa is almost done. It looks like it could use one more coat of varnish to even everything out. The veneer we had was a bit darker but after being exposed to the sun (which it will get a lot of due to where it is located)
it will begin to lighten and blend.

If your spurs and underwater gear look like these, bring your boat in and let us clean them up for gosh sakes.
My guess is that these spurs have not been serviced for years.

They will be spraying the top coat on the flybridge this morning. They were doing some last minute wet sanding to ensure a good smooth base. As you know,
any paint work is 90% prep work. We are going to hang a couple of pieces of luan over the flybridge to ensure no dust falls into the wet paint.

The spotlight base is now stripped, sanded, epoxied and primed. We also polished the spotlight a bit and fixed some corroded wiring. You just
can’t reinstall something like that on a new paint job.

Yesterday someone dropped off an
Eastern Shore Hospitality package – sweet corn and watermelon. We are so predictable down here!
We do want to wish John good luck as he is out racing today over in Annapolis. Fair winds John!
Anything Can Happen Friday
Boat Fails