I was not really in the mood to post today but here it goes anyway. We have another boat coming in later – a 44′ sail boat which is going to get a total paint job. Since this will keep all hand busy for a while, we will have to put Deal 111 on hiatus for a few weeks. I didn’t have any takers on the sanitation hose but the deal is still good though the end of the day.
We retrieved the rest of the davit to get it prepped yesterday. As you can see, this will no longer have safety stickers unless I can fabricate one. You can also see where the paint is starting to flake and will continue to do so if not repaired.

The mounts are almost complete – they are installing the last one as I type. There will be a bit of touch up paint involved to make this job right.

The bow thruster props have been painted right – off the boat, cleaned and several coats applied front and back. They look like brand new! Let’s hope the barnacles boycott these as a party ground. We also put a good coat of fresh paint in the tunnel while it was easily accessible.
Anything Can Happen Friday
Rock And A Hard Place: What To Do With Concordia
January 19, 2012
What do you do with a 1,000-foot wreck that’s full of fuel and half-submerged on a rocky ledge in the middle of an Italian marine sanctuary? Remove it. Very carefully.
The wreck of the cruise liner Costa Concordia, which ran aground last week, is not unlike a car accident. The first order of business is determining whether it’s worth repairing or it gets junked. Then there are the questions of how best to go about it — and who pays.
Stuck on a rocky shoal off the Tuscan island of Giglio, the ship is in Italy’s territorial waters, so the country will likely have a major say in deciding the Concordia’s fate. But leaving the wreck where it is probably isn’t an option, says Martin Davies, the director of Tulane University’s Maritime Law Center in New Orleans. –
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