Friday sort of crept up on me – it’s the short week that does that. I’m thinking
a 4 day work week is the way to go permanently!
This should be the last rainy day and a beautiful weekend is in store so go boating.
The commissioning continues on the 46 classic. As I predicted they did run into some problems but they did not really share the nature of the problems. I just heard the
whining and complaining. This boat had a survey earlier in the year and we are working through some of that list to get it prepared to sell.

The doors are now primed and they were doing some light sanding to prep them for top coat at the same time they spray the cabin sides. What started out as a simple cabin sides only now encompasses the fore deck and after deck and doors –
which is a lot better plan.

The himalaya will have a black formica face. Here is the pattern for the plywood insert that is used for a base for the formica. The
technique for making patterns in irregular shapes is pretty easy. Just take strips of luan or other stiff material and cut and glue with a hot glue gun. You can then trace a perfect part from the glued up bracing.

I do have a photo of the little refrigerator that is now installed under the steps to the flybridge on the Europa 46. I haven’t had a chance to go up and see it myself yet.
Anything Can Happen Friday
Notable Events from Sept. 9th
1945 : First Computer Bug
First bug discovered in Computer Software Program when operators at the Harvard Faculty at the Computation Laboratory traced an error in the Mark II Computer to a moth trapped in a relay, coining the term bug. This bug was carefully removed and taped to the log book September 9th 1945.
Photo here.
1975: Viking 2 Mars probe launch
For nearly 50 years, our civilization has been attempting to send spacecraft to Mars. By the beginning of the 21st century, only 10 missions out of 33 tries had been a complete success. Journey with us down the rocky road of Mars exploration.
Details here.
Obama Exclusive on Health Care: ‘We Intend to Get Something Done’
In his highly anticipated address to Congress today, President Obama told
ABC News that he would provide a much more detailed health care plan, saying that while he was still open to ideas, he is determined to get health care reform
passed this year.

My wall calendar had today marked as V-J Day but I kept finding conflicting information so I’m not sure I trust my calendar anymore.
I can only hope that major holidays are right so I can take days off when required 🙂