Finally Friday

Blustery and cool today but dry. We can live with that. Somehow I missed Wednesday being Administrative Professional’s  Day, (Secretary’s Day) which is basically what I am.  I guess I didn’t notice because no one took me out to lunch, brought me flowers  or made a pass at me. Maybe you have to be pretty. It’s hard to believe it is the last full week in April. Time flies when you’re under the gun. I went back and looked at this week in last year’s postings and we seem to be doing the same things. How boring. There are amazingly few boats left here in the yard but the work load should continue for the next couple of weeks. Still painting bottoms – much to Carlos’ s displeasure.

We were short a couple of GB clam shell vents and couldn’t wait for more to arrive from Malaysia. Fortunately we have a mold for emergencies. We can’t afford to make these every time we need one but for the occasional times when we are in a bind it is nice to have the mold.

The sanding is almost complete on the second of the paired paint job. Since both of these will fit in the tent at the same time and both are going to be the same color, it just makes sense to do them in tandem.

Varnish, varnish, varnish. Angus never gets tired of the repetition of doing varnish work. He loves doing and takes a lot of pride in his work. Most mortals would get bored of sanding all day.

Anything Can Happen Friday

New Gear – One thing we see pop up a lot on surveys is electrical connections made in the bilge without waterproof boxes.  Scanstruts Waterproof junction box is easy to use and to connect wires. The cover has simple slotted large diameter screws using a small 1/4 turn to seal. Due to their size the screws align with their holes easily. Having tried this junction box in tight corners I can tell you sealing the cover is quite simple, unlike others I have worked with that have small screws. See it at the Scanstrut website. You can buy one at Defender Industries.

Random Drama
