I’m back today and have to say that being at the hospital was only minimally better than being at work but I still feel a bit wambly. And although the temperatures are more agreeable today, we do have some rain — but hey, at least it’s not snow. They took some photos for me but the quality so horrific that I shudder to use them, although I was able to Photoshop them a bit to give somewhat of a quality boost. Some I went out and took myself this morning to amend the ones I have to use. The mast is out of the 49 now. We did cut the pin out as we surmised we would need to do. To get the base plate up, you can use some wedges and slowly loosen it while introducing some acetone to cut the bedding. 01107 As you can see, there was quite a bit of corrosion inside and outside on the mast base. Amazingly enough, the mast came right out of the base and was not stuck from the corrosion. 0110501104 01103 The same boat is getting some teak deck maintenance.  I have shown this quite a bit but it is important to maintain the decks to maintain the value. 0110601108 The paint job continues although I’m not sure I have shown any photos yet. The boat will soon be ready for primer after some small hull defects have been prepped. At least we are past the days (for now) that are so cold we can’t do any work on the job. 01102 01101 Anything  Can Happen Friday httpv://youtu.be/QGUsBvC6W9g