I haven’t heard how things are going at the show but I have my fingers crossed. I will be spending the bulk of my day alone today so I may disappear a bit early today — we’ll see what happens. We had a Hatteras 45 come in yesterday for storage that had experienced a lightning strike a while back. We will be doing some extensive testing and repairing to iron out all the electrical problems the boat has now. Chasing wiring takes time — especially since the boat had be rewired several times in the past. The current owner said he found (the hard way) 110V power running through speaker wires under the headliner. He did come cruising in with a mate — Brody.

The owner of the big sailboat also had his dog with him, evidently a constant companion. That would be Rudy. (Yes, we are dog friendly – especially me, I love dogs).

And off of dogs, Rumsey is the only other one working today and he is just finishing up a plywood panel that needs to be installed in a boat over in Oxford. I have showed the template system before but it always nice to have it here again. It is just strips of luan hot glued together to fit the hole exactly. Then you just lay on the plywood and trace and voila, perfect cut every time.

You may remember a Bristol Trawler that we put a bow thruster in back in the Spring. The boat had some sort of nasty poured on deck covering that really detracted from the overall appeal of the boat. The owner removed it all and has now faired and painted with Awlgrip / non-skid. He sent some photos for me to share on the blog.

If you have a project you’d like to share, I would be elated to show it here on the blog. Some days are just boring and I could put something interesting up. Send your projects to alanw@oya.com.
Anything Can Happen Friday
A Boat Show Vendor Prayer:
Please God
Let us have some nice weather
Keep the guy drunk on Pain Killers that doesn’t even own a boat from trying to become my new best friend
Help my feet and back survive the 5 days of standing
Give me the strength to say the same things 1000 times with a smile
And please let me find my wife and kids still living on the boat back in California and not moved into an apartment when I return!
Credit to: Capt. Rich at SV Third Day blog.
I found the above while looking for reviews on the power boat show. I got discouraged however I found a review of the sailboat show on a blog this morning –
A Healthy Slice of Life. Just though you would enjoy Brittany’s take on the show
The show must go on. (remind me to pick up one of those shirts)