We are wrapping up the week with plenty of rain, and evidently plenty of more to come at least through tomorrow. We did start the day off launching boats. Well we started off that way but the boat didn’t actually make the water until now. Not sure what else what going on out there – hopefully something billable.

It was a good day to roll a runabout into the shop to do an engine tune up and service. Gotta love dry and comfortable!

And it was also a good day to do some polishing. Of course the boat was sweating a bit so it had to be dried off a bit but the temperatures were right.

Our old friend Wayne came it to build another windshield for us. He has done so many of these, he can whip them out in half the time as we would take. He is a bit hard to get since he has a lot of lines in the water.

Anything Can Happen Friday
I haven’t had any videos all week – here is what I’m listening to right now: