The weather was just a teaser. Today is much cooler and it is raining quite steadily. I also noticed moods had gone down out in the shop — about 1% for each degree of temperature drop — about 20% and with the rain that is factored by 2. I’m glad it didn’t get any colder or there could be trouble in River City.
We have one boat being commissioned — that guy is dry. We have the mechanic working on a vibration problem in a Sabreliner so he’s probably dry as well. Everyone else is committed to working inside the buildings. Of course there are plenty of boats to work on so at least we don’t have to worry about anyone being bored unproductive.
There are also a lot of paint repairs and gelcoat work for Kevin. Since it’s raining maybe he can stay all day!
A customer who keeps his boat at the property next door wanted me to find a fitting for his old Bayliner. This is actually the smallest problem with this boat. A new fitting will make the rest of the boat look worse.
That’s about all I have today since I don’t feel like running around in the rain trying to get photos.
Anything Can Happen Friday
Add Years to the Life of Your OutBoard with Fresh Water Flushing
Most of us take good care of our marine equipment. We wash and wax our boats and outboards, change the oil and oil filter regularly, and replace the fuel filters, but what about your outboard’s cooling system. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked in a maintenance regimen.
During the course of normal use, the water pump can ingest mud, sand, and silt, which then flows through the engine. Marine growth can also occur behind the inlet screens interrupting the flow of water to the engine. Over time, this debris can accumulate in the outboard’s cooling passages. It can also damage the water pump’s rubber impeller and plastic housing, eventually restricting the amount of water available to the engine. This can result in poor cooling, which will damage the engine and even promote corrosion in the exhaust system because of increased exhaust temperatures with today’s ethanol blended fuels and larger horse-powered outboards.
Read entire article here.
What’s In a Name?
I found this site quite by accident and have to agree with the top ten – we have had sailboats in the yard with all these names. It’s a fun site to poke around so if you want to change the name of your boat you may want to explore the site a bit. 10,000 Boat Names.