I’m not quite here alone — Kevin is out doing some grinding while Angus is not varnishing. Sometimes jobs conflict such as grinding fiberglass on a boat next to another getting paint or varnish work. Even a few boats away can cause problems. I’m still looking forward to getting off early. I’m looking for my new wood lathe to show up any day now so I need to make space in the shop for it.  And that beer is not going to drink itself! The Legacy took off for Oxford yesterday and it was looking quite sharp! If this boat appeals to you, see our listing. The last item on this boat is to fix a few fractures on the inside of the transom door. Kevin jumped right on this. The best solution was to put another layer of glass over it which will span any minute cracks and create a whole new surface. As you can see in the photos, the single layer of mat did not add any measurable thickness to the door. This morning he put on a skim coat of 3M Piranha Putty. It dries fast and sands like “butta”. We got the mast in the J-boat yesterday morning. We were trying to wait for high tide but there was too much going on and we didn’t want to miss it since the customer wants the boat for the weekend. I have seen a lot of,  excuse my language, piss-poor gel coat repairs on boats that come into the yard. It’s like people doing these repairs have never heard of sandpaper. The real trick is to get some depth to the repair so you can make the repair level with the surrounding area. If you need a good gelcoat repair give us a call and we’ll put Kevin on the case. Anything Can Happen Friday A lot of people (mainly distributors) tell me we need a Facebook page for the yard. I’m not sure we actually need one — I have a personal FB page that I don’t visit, but I started putting one together this week for the yard and will reveal the address when I get some semblance of order to it. In the meantime I did find a sister-site — Lamebook.com which you should take a look at for fun. I had hoped to find out something about Carlos’ new baby but he hasn’t contacted us yet — probably too busy.  The sonogram said it was a girl – so I assume they had a girl (again). Just For Fun httpv://youtu.be/QFJ0zR0gYYU