The 1st of February brought us some snow. But it is a balmy 32 degrees out with only a moderate windchill of 20 and some of that wonderful dark sun. All in all not
that depressing.

As part of routine maintenance we found this Racor filter. What this tells us is that there is some serious contamination going on inside the fuel tank. This would be a good boat for some fuel polishing!

Since the bowls are also nasty, we disassemble the whole unit on the bench, clean it up and install a new service kit in it. This boat has gauges on the filters but evidently they don’t get used because they were reading higher pressure than normal.

The battery box was completed yesterday — epoxied together, coat of epoxy primer and enamel top coat. It should last the life of the equipment it is powering.

On one boat they were getting some leaks through the windshield which were obviously coming through the screw holes. Rather than removing the whole windshield we simply pulled each screw and rebedded them individually. This went real quick until the one screw that just turns and turns but goes no where. This is probably the problem area.

There was also some removed electronics in the salon which left an unsightly hole. We are going to remove the panel and make a black textured PVC overlay which will look a lot better than making filler pieces to go in the holes. Plus if they decide to add something there in the future they have the tabla rosa scenario which will allow them to place it where ever they want on the panel.

Anything Can Happen Friday
Marc Newson Designs 1960s-Inspired Power Boat
Marc Newson, the Aussie king of high design, has turned his hand to the high seas, with a new luxury powerboat for the Italian company Riva. The vessel looks strangely anachronistic, with a fake mahogany deck and loud turquoise accents harking back to the days of Frankie and Dee Dee — all of which can be had for a decidedly un-’60s price: $1.5 million. Read more.
Product Spotlight

One of my salesmen brought in some information on a new Hubbell product – a USB Charger receptacle. Not available widely yet but with such a good idea it won’t take long until you can buy it anywhere.
Hubbell’s USB Charger Receptacle provides both USB and electrical power in a standard single gang electrical opening. Designed to provide more charging options for personal electronics, the USB ports are capable of charging two tablets simultaneously. The 15 Amp tamper-resistant Style Line decorator outlets provide additional power for appliance use. I did find them in stock on
this site.