Well it hasn’t gotten any warmer. I got this message from a customer yesterday: Rather than just sit in the cold and bitch about it, why not come down here? You can write the blog from FL just as easily as from MD and you can stay on our boat, take photos to your heart’s content and no one (not even John) will know where you are. If my posting looks different on Monday, you’ll know where I am!
And to add insult to injury, our septic system decided to pack it up (literally) yesterday which meant no facilities other than the back lot. We are putting in a new pump this morning. They are still debating who is going down in the hole. I do know who it won’t be.
The Trawler Cat is really looking better and not so much of an “Island Boat” . The bright lime colors just weren’t working for the bay.
This boat compounded out beautifully and is already taking a shine even before applying the polish.
They will soon be done with the 1,000 hour service. It is important to take things apart every once in while to find little “easter eggs” like this:
New Products
One of my salesmen came in today with a nice little LED cabin light. These LED’s have finally gotten affordable and not much more than regular lights now. With almost 15,000 hours of run time, why would you want to use anything else? They have a full line of exterior, interior and navigation lights at the MISEA website.
Anything Can Happen Friday
We are anxiously awaiting more snow tonight, ’cause you just can’t get enough of a good thing!