Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity*. We’ve been bitchin’ about the drought but this morning we are experiencing “drought relief.” It was coming down so hard for a while that you couldn’t see out the windows or open the door. Now it has settled into just a rain – and hopefully more throughout the day. I’m not sure of the status of the Annapolis to Oxford Race that John is participating in but I’m almost sure that it is a die-hard sailor type of race and they will just don some slickers and get on with it. It may not even be raining over there.

With the limited crew here today and yesterday I don’t have much to offer up. Don’t have anything on the electronics job going on in Oxford and don’t want to bore you with wet-sanding photos. Here’s some boat yard lingo for you — if someone says “we might get the primer on today”, what they really mean is “we’re not priming today.”
But if you want some meat, we do have the flybridge windscreen being done out there. If you are doing your own you will need the old ones for templates. And don’t think all the angles are the same – you have to test each piece and set the tool accordingly. Wayne uses the radial arm saw to do the compound angles. Lexan doesn’t cut as well as wood so you have to spend some time with a hand plane and scraper on each part you have cut.

After all the edges are cleaned up, he attaches each piece to its template to drill the holes in the exact location. Make sure you have the right side up though!
Anything Can Happen Friday
Video from the 2011 Annapolis to Oxford Race. There’s a sport I can appreciate since there seems to be some beer involved.
Just for Fun

*One of my favorite movies of all time is “
Oh, Brother Where Art Thou” with memorable lines like “
we thought you was a toad” , “
I’m a Dapper Dan Man” and “
he’s bona fide, he’s a suitor!” And of course the
sound track is tough to beat. I wanted the Soggy Bottom Boys but this video is so spectacular I had to offer it instead.