Last day before the holidays for most of us and not a day too soon. Everyone is a bit burned out and ready for some well-deserved time off. It will be a quiet send off since there is no festivities planned – not even a chili dog! We do have one customer who promised to stop by with some beer – maybe we can find some peanuts and that will be a party.
Ted Clucas who services quite a few customers came up with this idea to expedite the winterizing on his boat. The hoses to the seacock / strainer / unit were too short to easily remove and since he usually winterizes alone he needed a way to inject antifreeze into the strainer from a controlled gravity feed. This is a good solution as he can just screw a hose in the hole to keep the pink confined to the strainer and not running all out into the bilge.

This was the last boat to haul before the holidays (one coming after Christmas) is this one – which is massive.

I received the following in email this morning along with a number of other photos labeled “Men lacking adult female supervision“.

Anything Can Happen Friday Wednesday
If you are inclined to do some varnish work over the holidays (as if), I found that Jamestown Distributors, among others, have some instructive videos on YouTube sort of like this one:
Also, just in time for Christmas – It’s Mr. Bean!