I got nuthin’ again. I seem to be alone on a Friday (again) and there seems to be a pattern forming. But just for entertainment’s sake, I am reprinting something from the Service Log. There…


Why yes, I did enjoy my trip to the proctologolist yesterday. Tuesday, not so much. I was under orders (from the doctor and the wife) to stay away from the shop so I had a…


I got in late today because of a dental appointment – which, although undesirable, is still better than being at work. In fact, tomorrow I am scheduled for a colonoscopy which is also better than…


It must be the season, we started right in hauling boats first thing this morning. We did have a minor glitch, someone left a boat on a trailer for us right in front of the…


I’ve had a lot of calls for boats coming in over the weekend. We have been keeping right up with the schedule — but that is easy this early in the season, we’ll see how…


We got a couple of boats winterized yesterday and are right on schedule. I have an inkling on what is going on in Oxford now. We have a GB42 with a leaking oil cooler that…


We got some boats hauled yesterday and fortunately had none scheduled for today since it is cold and raining out. We did get our first drum of antifreeze earlier this week that is crying to…


Well yesterday was indeed the first day of haul out season and although we didn’t quite get both the boats out that were scheduled we at least got John’s guy out. Being mere chattel my…


Believe it or not, we are starting to haul boats for the winter TODAY. I heard through the rumor mill that towards the end of the week we will be getting nights in the upper…


I may or may not be here today — I tried a feature I had plugged into this software to post at a specific time so even if I weren’t here, today’s posting would be…