
A predicted high of 46 degrees today – a virtual heat wave! Of course, it declines the rest of the week but for today Kevin came in to do some polishing. With Pat back from…

Maudlin Monday

Very cold out (frigid in fact). Doesn’t seem too bad to me since I am still unable to actually go outside other than to go back and forth to my car (and I’m not supposed…

Finally Friday

Seems like a long week even though I have only been working half days.  Not much to look forward to on weekends right now – more laying around with my foot propped up! At least…

Thursday Morning

Yesterday turned out to be about a 50 degree day and today only a bit less. It was a good day to work on a boat sitting outside. This Island Packet 27 is for sale…


As I promised, there will be some meat today. Everyone came back to work today and I have requested that everyone try to take some pictures of what they are doing. These photos I snagged…


Another crappy weather day with a wintry mix later today and rain tomorrow. Very limited attendance today and Pat and John are working over in Oxford. We lost one employee on Thursday who has left…


Last night I was walking the dogs and hit a patch of ice on a sloped section. Needless to say, I went down – hard. Off to the hospital this morning as it seems the…


We have a lot of no-shows today (including the head man himself). I don’t think it is cold related (although it is plenty cold enough – but we don’t need to whine about that) –…


The roads took the blunt of our mini winter storm – which turned out to be more sleet than snow although we did get about an inch. The roads are a bit slippery and people…


I walked out to the big building and encountered the first of the snow falling. Reports are that it will turn to sleet for a while and then back into snow tonight – that should…