
Another spring-like day today. In fact, it looks quite warm for most of the week. I hope this is not a temporary condition. Last spring you may remember we did a double seat on a…

Monday (looking up)

Sorry about missing Friday – I was one Sick Puppy!  But today I feel almost normal and the weather is most agreeable. Half the crew seems to be working on varnish. Rumsey is replacing hose…


On top of the leg fiasco I came down with something terrible last night – I guess the flu that’s going around so I won’t be able to stay all day. But you do see…


A beautiful (albeit a bit chilly) day today.  The same jobs progress today as I have shown this week except for measuring for new sails for a Beneteau 50. We have a good source for…


I don’t think I was paying attention to something, but we actually had snow last night! Totally unexpected on my part. We were getting a bit spoiled with the warmer temperatures and had forgotten that…


Well my trip to the Dr. was good news. The leg is healing and I am allowed (encouraged) to start putting weight on it. In fact, I can single crutch around the house without the…

Finally Friday

It should be up to 60 today! I hear it may get cold by the weekend but we are making the best of the weather while it is here. Varnish is the name of the…


I was able to get my hands on some photos early today. The doors I showed being stripped and sealed earlier in the week have a counter-part on the boat. The frame has also now…

Wednesday AM

Back to a somewhat normal posting schedule today. Pat was good about getting photos for me.  One of the jobs they did yesterday was to reglue some loose parquet tiles on a GB. These were…

Drawing 101

I thought I was not going to have any photos for today’s blog but Jennifer  offered to try to get some photos.  I believe she must have just finished a giant coffee as they were…