
Very pleasant out right now but severe thunderstorms are predicted for later in the day. Hopefully it will happen after the work day is over.  Carlos was taking advantage of the current conditions to get…

Monday (unfortunately)

It’s always tough to come back after a 3 day weekend. The only bright side is that there is another of those this weekend! Of course, there is a chance of thunderstorms every day from…

Fabulous Friday

Posting from home today because it would be just wrong not to have a post today simply because it’s my birthday! I did get up at 5 and put in about an hour and a…

Thursday (Looking Up)

I believe the front has moved on through. We did have a recorded call from the Talbot County Emergency Services alerting us to a tornado warning yesterday but it proved to be a false alarm.…

Wet Wednesday

The rain continues but I refuse to let it dampen my spirits. Lots of deadlines this week and not enough hours to complete them. I’m only going to worry about that through tomorrow though –…

Torpid Tuesday

We missed the rain yesterday until late evening but woke up to it this morning. It’s not a heavy rain – just enough to screw up plans. A couple of deliveries this week and all…


We had periods of sun mixed with periods of rain all weekend – heavy at times.  I didn’t mind though since I got to spend the time that I would normally use doing yard work…

Friday (the 13th)

It seems we are in for a stretch of bad weather for several days. I’m hoping that this is the bad luck that Friday the 13th brings.  Still plenty happening in the yard and the…

Thankfully Thursday

Enjoy this weather while you can because I hear we are in for a wet weekend. They got the Beneteau loaded on the ship last night. Two guys actually had 30 hour days and the…


I guess the bulk of today’s post will concern the Beneteau that we are shipping to Norway. I would not have believed it, but the boat is sitting at the terminal in Dundalk this morning.…