
The temperatures continue to climb and my mind moves forward to beer and the pool over the weekend. That keeps me going.  John has returned to the country as of yesterday and will only be…


I totally missed the fact that James Arness died on Friday. You have seen some little photos from the whole Gunsmoke crew from time to time. Although I haven’t seen him in anything recently, I…


Well it was certainly a beautiful weekend and today should prove to be pretty nice as well, but later in the week the temperatures will be climbing back into the 90’s again. We’ll just enjoy…

Fair Weather Friday

The weather is still holding and it couldn’t be better. This may be beer drinking weather. We got quite a bit accomplished this week but still have deadlines we have to meet by tomorrow. If…

Temperate Thursday

They were right about the weather – it is oh so pleasant outside.  This should continue on into the weekend and beyond (if we are lucky!) Yesterday the guys looked like they had been swimming…


It looks like the temperatures should be out of the 90’s beginning tomorrow and a pleasant week end is predicted. We can only hope so – moods decline when it is this hot. It was…

Reluctant Tuesday

After such a beautiful weekend we all came back today under duress. I say beautiful, but I guess I really mean HOT. It felt more like a 4th of July weekend than a Memorial Day…

Hot Thursday

It is going to be brutal today! Well not compared to what is in store but compared to what we have had so far it is a shock. The only high point is that we…


Most of you know me from the blog and assume I have some influence on what happens here in the yard. That would be an erroneous assumption. All work scheduling is handled by John –…