
We do have multiple projects going on so some of today’s posting should cover other boats. I actually went out and did a walk-about this morning to see what had been accomplished yesterday. We have…

Midweek Already

Gotta love those short weeks – I’m thinking of taking them on permanently. According to the NOAA site, the weather will remain in the mid to upper 80’s all week. I  think  last summer was…


WE”RE BACK! A few people evidently forgot we were back at work today.  It was a beautiful weekend – not overly hot for a change and today should prove to be about the same.  The…

Long Weekend

It is a banner day – long weekend coming! We had a couple of absences today (and it was supposed to be me who was conspicuously absent this week!)  I guess they are having extended…

Thursday EOM

Last day of June today. Spring flew by as usual. I ended up healthy enough to avoid the blue flu evidently – I’m here. The GB42 that was scheduled to leave yesterday actually left about…


It looks like smooth sailing the rest of the week and through the holiday weekend weather-wise. In fact, it looks like pool and beer weather to me 🙂 We got just a spit of rain…


We got a wee bit of rain this morning but I assume it will be a relatively nice day – albeit a hot one. They are, however, predicting heavy rain later this afternoon or this…


We started out with some rain early today but it is proving to be a beautiful day now. We got a lot done with our skeleton crew on Friday. Everyone is back to work today…


It is Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day for all of our Canadian Friends (Hi Grant!).  To those of you who are not Canadian, here is a description of this National Holiday.  We had a bit of sprinkling yesterday…


It’s looking just a bit overcast this morning.  There is a thunderstorm predicted for today – and temperatures should hit the 90’s. Consequently, we are moving the Eastbay to a building with doors in each…