Finally Friday

I came close to “pulling a Willy” today (calling in too sick to work) except I never go around to doing payroll yesterday – which according to the guys is the only thing I’m good…


The sunshine has graced us with its presence today. A good day to tackle launches and a couple of deliveries before the weekend. As the saying goes “not much new under the sun” but we…


More rain this morning and clouds/thunderstorm activity predicted for the next several days. As long as it is early in the morning or the evening it shouldn’t set us back. I had one of our…


Happy May Day! The first of the month and a time to frolic around the May Pole. We started out early this morning with some thunder shower activity but it should be cleared out by…


Just another Monday and the last day of April – the spring rush is almost over. I can see a time in the very near future when Fridays are no longer a day to be…

Finally Friday

Blustery and cool today but dry. We can live with that. Somehow I missed Wednesday being Administrative Professional’s  Day, (Secretary’s Day) which is basically what I am.  I guess I didn’t notice because no one…

On the downside

Another rainy day here in Trappe – with some thunder storms coming in later this afternoon. This would be called a rain delay in the sports world but boat owners don’t understand that. All the…


Time flies when the work is piled up. Deliveries are coming fast and furious – some of them with secret deadlines, we are on a need to know basis as I’ve said before. Ones that…


I did get to do a walkabout today but couldn’t really catch anyone doing anything actually interesting. Everyone was doing stuff but none of it seemed to be something I needed to talk about. But…


That was some rain we had over the weekend! It was the first time in a very long time that it rained ALL DAY LONG with virtually no stopping at all. I spent the weekend…