The weather was just a teaser. Today is much cooler and it is raining quite steadily. I also noticed moods had gone down out in the shop — about 1% for each degree of temperature…


I finally got around to adding a couple of items to the Service Log yesterday after realizing I hadn’t added anything for almost a year. This is all content that is segmented in the blog…


I broke out the shorts today – yesterday was just a tad bit on the hot side and it is supposed to be 84 today. That’s a 40 degree rise in the temperature in less…


Will cooler weather ever get here? (just joking of course) Moods have elevated in direct proportion to the temperatures and everyone seems to be in such a good mood that it can go no where…


It looks like I will have to find something new to bitch about — the weather should be up as high as 80 degrees this week. In fact, it is so nice I feel like…


Rainy Day Friday. They are predicting warmer weather next week and I am agog with anticipation! I promised seat pictures and with the boat being in close proximity to the primary heat source under my…


No improvement in temperature yet. It was in the upper 30’s when we arrived this morning but it could be as high as 45 later. I was lamenting that it could be 90 a month…


Will it ever be warm? We are progressing as if it were with another boat headed off to the launch pad. We stopped to do some polishing out in the sun which made it minimally…


Sunny and cold.  We did a fair amount of boat moving yesterday. We have one delivery on Saturday and another boat we need to get out of the building to get some work done for…

April Fool

I wanted to think of a April Fool’s Day prank for the blog but I’m not feeling all that inspired. We did have a good weekend with family and evidently Easter is a good day…