
It seems summer may be returning. I turned the AC back on just in case. It is a bit lonely this morning as John carried the last remaining employees off to Oxford this morning –…


I almost forgot to post today – and don’t ask how that happened. Most of the guys are en route to Connecticut to work on the Burger — not quite as convenient as driving over…


Yesterday was such a beautiful day it brought customers out en masse for a bit of dickering around on their boats – although I didn’t see any of them actually go out. The Eastbay 49…


A beautiful day following a beautiful weekend – is it actually August? Most people went to Oxford today to work on an Eastbay 49 that is leaving tomorrow for Florida. Izzy and Carlos are here…


We had a seriously rainy day off and on all day yesterday but today is beautiful. We have one delivery today so we ran a rally on the boat yesterday. This was a recent boat…


A rainy day today. The temperatures are supposed to be unseasonably comfortable for a few days despite it now being August. How did we get so lucky this year? We had almost a full house…


I understand the Burger may have left but everyone worked until after midnight and beyond. Consequently it was slim attendance early today but people are starting to filter in now. Not much to report on…


Still basically alone. I still have Izzy here and Kevin came in to try to revive his paint guns which were left in such poor condition it is doubtful that they will ever spray right…


Alone again, naturally? John called everyone over to Oxford today purportedly to finish the Burger project.  Some people are naturally optimistic. I did see tell-tale signs that his sub-contractor painter was in this weekend. My…


Another cool day. We actually have some people over here today and jobs needing attention are being tended to. We hauled the Legacy 34 I mentioned yesterday for a short work order. There was a…