Hopefully things are back to normal. When I take a week off there is no one to fill in for me so it normally takes a couple of days to catch up and although I’m not totally caught up, I can take a breath here and there now. I sent my old camera over to Oxford with one of the guys to capture some of the work that is going on over there. the first is the custom sink we put on the flybridge of the GB46. It still needs to be sealed in but it looks pretty sweet. We actually used a bit of bow thruster tubing to build a pedestal since it was the right size and fiberglass so we could fair and paint to match the surrounding area.

And if you are going to have a sink there, why not put a refrigerator below it? This would enhance the whole drinking experience!

The unit was a bit too wide to fit one side of the space so we had to cut down the other door to fit. Since it was cored, when Pat cut it off he mixed some white pigment with West epoxy and sealed the edge with that which should be good enough for the edge of the door. The color match was almost spot on.

The unit is pretty sharp since it is a drawer-type unit and you don’t have to bend down to the floor to get stuff out of the back.

And on the other side of the helm area, we filled, faired and painted the himalaya to get the new instruments installed properly without resorting to overlays to cover the old holes (which can look good if you like that.)

I did find one tired employee this morning who thought being under the lawn mower would make it look like he was busy 🙂