Dear John,
Thank you.
Because of your sacrifices – and the sacrifices of so many Marylanders – we are seeing signs of hope across our great state in the face of this awful crisis.
We have reasons for optimism, which is why today I was able to announce a path forward for so many of the recreational activities that make our state the envy of our entire region. As of Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 AM, I am lifting the restriction on outdoor pursuits like fishing, campground usage, boating and golf – and we are opening state parks and recreational areas.
At the same time, elective medical and dental procedures can also resume across the state.
While it is vital we maintain social distancing and take necessary precautions as we more forward, it brings me great joy to begin making small, careful and prudent steps to reopen our beloved Maryland.
I want to again thank every Maryland family, our small businesses and local leaders – and especially thank the nurses, doctors, emergency personal, first responders and the men and women of our National Guard – for the sacrifices they have made. With everyone’s help, I am hopeful we can begin implementing Phase 1 of the Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery in the near future.
If you can and feel comfortable doing so, please get out and enjoy time on or around the water, enjoy our natural resources and our great parks, visit a campground, break out the fishing poles, play a round of golf. As you do, please do so responsibly – and with great joy.
As I’ve said time and time again, I am counting on you as I have counted on you in the past.
Together we changed Maryland.
We will build back our economy, create more jobs again, and stand tall together once more. We lowered taxes, fees, and tolls together when no gave us a chance – we can change Maryland for the better again too!
I know we can. I know we will.
Thank you for all you’re doing and for the sacrifices you’re making.
I hope to have more good news next week – news that gets us back on track to restoring the Maryland we love.
Thank you,

Larry Hogan
P.S. While the coronavirus continues to impact so many of our families and communities, remember if you can volunteer – from donating blood to helping at a food bank – we need you. Please visit today to learn more.