
I love these short weeks, here it is the middle of the week already — now if we were just off on Friday it would be perfect! The most hectic part of the season is over after Memorial Day weekend. Just a few stragglers and we can begin some scheduled projects.  They evidently got the rig tuned on the Cape Dory with some direction from the master.

No, that's not what I want

On the bottom we had blasted last week they need to cut off the old bottom paint at the water line. The blaster doesn’t get that close to the water line. There is also a lot of filling to do on this boat.

Pink Lady

On the same boat we are doing some deck service. Many of the screws had to be set deeper since there wasn’t enough teak left above the screw heads to keep new plugs in.

Too much thinking

We are back on getting the Legacy finished up and out of here. You may remember this was the insurance job we got down from Sandy.

Nice day to be outside

We were also getting the new arch ready. It needs to be wired and while they were putting the equipment up, they polished those a bit to make them look almost new.

Mechanics too

The polishers get offended if I don’t show them occasionally since what they do is also important. Here is Carlos getting his early morning stretching in.

Too short

And Izzy was doing a bit of bottom painting.

What, no dust mask?

Evidently, we are installing an air conditioning system in a boat over in Oxford. Of course I have no information on the boat or even who owns it?

Mystery Client

Willy came by yesterday and we all went to lunch together. All I can say is retirement seems to be working for him — he look relaxed and very happy —  I’m just jealous though.