It's a new week

I went back to the heater under the desk again. Overcast and cold is the order of the day. I wish we had never had the warm spell.  But I’m sure that will come soon. Friday was a virtual hub-bub of activity as Friday’s often are at this time of year but most of us were able to escape on time. There was much boat moving and commission going on.

3 guys one brain

We also got the boom primed. We wanted to spray the top coat this morning but the temperatures are not paint-friendly yet. Not even human-friendly either.

gray now

We found some bad engine mounts on a Sabreliner. There was no visible evidence of damage but one the mounts spoke volumes when we removed it. We may have just fixed the vibration problems that have plagued this boat for several seasons.

bad mount

When I went out a few minutes ago they had the first one in place. You may imagine it is no easy task to change the mounts on a heavy CAT engine. After the mount replacement the engine alignment will need to done.


We are moving this boat to the concrete pad to begin putting the bottom back on it after the soda blasting. I will try to capture all the steps as we go through the process.

Boat moving 101