
We made it to another Friday! The temperatures seem to be holding which is a good thing for all the varnish work going on. One boat has had the rails stripped and is now in the build stage. Another major varnish stripping project is also going on simultaneously. This one was in desperate need (well they both were actually). Sorry, that is all the photos I have today although plenty of other stuff is going on. By the end of next week I may be able to do ladders and get more interesting stuff. FYI As part of our spring commissioning we usually have the local company do fire equipment inspections – if the boat is being launched after April.  Note  that some cheap fire extinguishers are “throw-aways” and can not be tagged. Passagemaker has a short article on this topic in this month’s issue.   Anything Can Happen Friday Just Cool Things to round out your week!
Lego Does The Bible
You Have to watch this!
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