We had another heavy storm come through Friday night which dropped another 3″ rain in Trappe. The water table is still not where it needs to be this time of year but the storm brought some cooler weather in — which is something we all appreciate. We are back to almost full crew complement today with only Kevin missing and he may be in later — no one’s ever sure with him! We have two boats in Oxford waiting for refrigeration installations and an Eastbay at the dock with the soft patch awaiting installation. With the other work going on it looks like a busy week ahead.
I wanted to start off by showing you a couple of photos of the veneer work that Wayne did on the GB42 – it turned out splendidly.

Angus was able to get two coats of sealer on before he left on Friday and will put some satin finish on the new areas today. I couldn’t tell where there was two layers of veneer — it’s just so thin that it makes no difference to the eye.

The cap rail on the flybridge looks good enough for us to go ahead and install the new windshield – which in fact was done this weekend but I haven’t had a chance to go out and see it yet.

And beneath it all, we were sandblasting the rudders and bronze hardware which had a heavy paint build up. The bottom should be painted this week. It will take some pretty serious sanding in some areas but all in all is not so bad.

While we were blasting, it was a perfect opportunity to do the swim platform brackets for the Eastbay 49. They had some badly flaking paint and the boat is for sale.

On the Jet Ski which wouldn’t start, Pat found the problem. The thruster (? – I don’t know much about jet skis) was so packed with debris it wouldn’t allow the engine to turn.

He had to use the honer to clean out the tube where the prop spins. It was spinning pretty freely at that point and the engine turned right over. It still hasn’t started but we need to pull the old gas out — it has been sitting for a long, long time.