I thought I was not going to have any photos for today’s blog but Jennifer offered to try to get some photos. I believe she must have just finished a giant coffee as they were a bit blurred.
One GB had a gate that was too tight. The usual cause for this is a bent stanchion which causes the rail to rack a bit. The solution is to reset the rail. We usually use a come-along to do this. I don’t have a photo even though they had the camera with them.

Kevin is busy as a beaver polishing. The key to a good polish job is a good wash first so you don’t polish the dirt into the surface.

Carlos and our new spring help Isai are busy washing boats. When we are working on boats we need to keep them clean to avoid tracking dirt all through the boat. Also important is prepping for the upcoming polishing.

We came in this morning to extreme low tide but on the bright side – all the ice is gone!