Back to regular posting schedule (at least today). With the snow last night my wife didn’t want me to chance going out on the ice but work ethics prevailed. I finally got a few photos of what was going on over in Oxford. This Krogen had new windows installed at some point and the frames protruded more than the originals. Consequently, the door was rubbing on the frame (and skimming the paint off). We had to pull the door apart and shim out the track to allow enough clearance for the doors.

We also had to change head hoses on this boat. You can see the tight quarters they had to work in. Plus it is just plain nasty work!
We decided if we waited for optimal weather to begin varnish projects we were going to fall behind so Jen brought in smaller items into the shop to begin. This aft cabin door was in pretty bad shape. It has now been stripped and sanded. The teak grain on older boats is in most cases better looking than the new teak they are force growing. This is a beautiful piece.

We are looking forward to some warmer temperatures by Sunday (49 degrees) – wish I could go out and take advantage of it!
C Content
Vented Loops?
They prevent water from draining back draining back into your engine or toilet damaging interior components.

Loop #1 is to break the siphon and vent overboard any head hose odors
Loop #2 is to break the siphon on a generator or sailboat engine.
Loop #3 is a plastic elbow – not to be confused with a vented loop