

My wife is off today so President’s Day must be a real holiday. Sounds like a lame excuse for government employees to get more time off than us trencheants (sorry, I made that word up…

Happy V Day

Happy V Day

Much nicer today despite the snow we got last night and all the ice this morning. With the temperatures climbing I can already hear the run off from the roof melt. I understand it may…



We did get the 3-4″ of snow last night followed by rain. When I left the house it was like going to the 711 and dipping my feet in the slushy machine. On the other…

Engine Room Makeover

One can only imagine the nightmare of the first time a do-it-yourselfer tackles a Grand Banks engine room. This usually leads to a “re-renovation” by a service yard. We were lucky enough (unlucky enough) to…


Still cold here if you’re wondering, and that’s all I’m going to say about that. The guys seem to be in good spirits despite the frigidity. They stuck the lazarette hatches in the holes temporarily…


That’s right, snow is in the forecast yet again. Depending on who you believe, it could be quite a bit. And guess what, it’s not any warmer yet! Carlos is ready with some woman’s fur…


We had a smattering of snow last night or as I call it “just enough”.  We are stuck in the low 30’s most of the week though. It looks like may 2 or 3 people…


We seem to be operating at 50% attendance again today. How do these guys get days off? Looking at almost 40 today which any other time of the year would be cold, at this time…