
A beautiful day here at the yard and there are a couple of launches scheduled — although not first thing this morning. The boys did get to start off with a nice outdoor job —…


We ended up with some fairly heavy rain yesterday afternoon and it is still a bit “dismal” outside. What a spring it has been! But Friday is the first day of summer here and I’m…


Feels Like: Tuesday. During my mid-morning walk-about I saw a new little friend out in the big building: We only launched one boat so far this week, but I understand a couple of more may…


Once again, I missed a major holiday. Hope all the fathers out there had an enjoyable Father’s Day! My son made me a brand for branding the bottom of my turned projects. What a thoughtful…


The rain has not totally left us but we were able to duck the violent thunderstorms they predicted. We only had normal thunderstorms. We didn’t miss any work from it (I wouldn’t say I’d actually…


The upcoming storm is the primary topic of conversation. There are multiple severe thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon and evening. I’m taking the Aurther Dent position: Don’t Panic. Fortunately everything we are working on today…


Weather improving — some people are even working outside. Can this really be June? Evidently we may be approaching the secret departure date on the 42MY. There is a scurry of activity out there. The…


Rain, rain, go away!  It has been on and off and will continue to be so. Sorta puts a damper on anything we need to do outside — as soon as you get set up…


Did it rain Friday or what? I’m talking torrential rain and more on Saturday. We did start off the day with some but it seems to have gone away now and left cloudiness in the…


We are wrapping up the week with plenty of rain, and evidently plenty of more to come at least through tomorrow. We did start the day off launching boats. Well we started off that way…