
The Legacy is being sprayed tomorrow (hopefully). After the primer coat Kevin chased down some rough spots and pin holes. You need an absolutely flat surface to get the perfect paint job. After this the…


Rain today? Pat did a fine job on the engine belt guards on the Eastbay 43. The boys are going to attempt a set and hopefully they will duplicate his efforts. Kevin is back and…


Here we go again — another week just like all the others. We still have tons of work to go before spring. We have decided that we may need to set some goals so we…


Friday at last and it’s already warmer out this morning than earlier in the week.  We are making up some fuel hoses for a generator this morning. We special ordered some but they sent the…


It looks like we may get above freezing later today (barely). I hate to venture too far from my heater — at least until late March. I do relish my lunch hour where I can…


Time just flies when you’re having fun. Of course if you’re not having fun it goes the other way! It is pretty cold out there today but should be back up to 50 for the…


Our warm day this week but also predicted to be a wet one. They got a sealer coat and a thicker coat on the 43 yesterday. For our build coats we use an Ephiphanes product.…

Post Weekend

Back, on a holiday? I understand at least a couple of the boatyards in Oxford are closed today and I guess John is taking off for President’s Day ’cause he’s not here. But how could…


The inside of the bow thruster tube has now been glassed in — strong and all the way around. The bond is actually stronger than the tube. There was a hub-bub of activity on the…


It’s close but not Friday yet.  Pat finally came back after being out all week with John’s Flu. Almost everyone here has been bit by it now. I feel cheated that I only got a…