
I ended up staying the whole day yesterday and am paying for it today. So within the hour I will be out of here – no BS this time! I am doing one of the…


The weather is beautiful for this time of year — a great day for those out in the yard. I however got a terrible head cold over the weekend and not feeling up to par…


Another week draws to a close and EOM — end of the month. It’s hard to believe it will be December when we come back on Monday. This means every weekend will be spent in…


See, I told you I was on a 3 day posting schedule. I had several people mention that I had not posted yesterday and that is why.  I could bore you with winterizing photos but…


It’s hard to come back to work after a 4 day weekend — in fact, for Pat it was so distressing he just didn’t make it. I can assume he had a REAL good time.…


The countdown is almost at launch for the longish weekend. We evidently have a few employees stretching it out even longer. We did get the wheel wells painted on the lift. John also has a…


The countdown continues to the extra long weekend. We are tracking right on time with the haul outs and winterizing this year. It really helped that folks pulled early for Hurricane Sandy. We don’t have…

Decline in stats

I wasn’t wrong, I saw my stats were pretty low right now. We do have projects lined up for the winter but I can’t help the boredom of the season. My count down has officially…


We got the office looking pretty sharp yesterday — even my desk, which if you know me, has always been a fright. Of course, give us a couple of weeks and it will start looking…


I have almost considered limiting posts to Monday, Wednesday and Friday due to lack of content this time of year. Anything else will be hit or miss. Today we have a massive office cleaning, painting…