End of the World?

I guess we missed that. Of course, if the Mayan’s could predict the future accurately, there would still be Mayans.  It is also the first day of winter and it came it with an “end…

Unexpected Post

No, not an actual post, just another giveaway in the spirit of Christmas!  This is another of Tony Fleming’s amazing adventures — this one to the Sea of Cortez.  Enjoy spectacular wildlife and landscape scenes…


The countdown continues.  I plan on at least a couple of beers here Friday afternoon before leaving for the holidays.  I am really looking forward to quite a few days away but was kind of…


Official countdown begins TODAY. I assume it will be the same festivities we had last year – nada. In fact, there is not a sign of a holiday here at all except for two lonely…


I had one customer tell me that he missed yesterday’s posting and confirmed my suspicion that most of you are reading the blog at work. I hope I am not contributing to the decline of…

Midweek (12.12.12)

To tell the truth, I didn’t really miss posting yesterday. Sometimes a day off from the routine sharpens you a  bit – although it probably won’t be evident in today’s posting. The weather is a…

Post Weekend

We came in to wet, drizzly conditions today — but it could be worse. It could be flat out raining. We should have all the boats out this week that are here since we have…


Still not up to par and it would seem I have taken 2 people down with me so far. It evidently was still better for me to be here and make other people sick than…


Despite my threat of temporary 3 day postings, I would be remiss if I didn’t post today since my stats seem to be going up instead of down. I talked to someone yesterday who had…


I did go home yesterday — right after posting and although it didn’t make me feel any better today, it sure made me feel better yesterday. I didn’t seem to miss anything that demanded my…