Happy Halloween!

Everybody showed today – maybe I won’t be so lonely!  With only a few calls yesterday I felt like the Maytag repair man. I’m sure anyone on the coast had more pressing business than dealing…

Post Sandy

We came through the storm unscathed – no boats damaged, no power outages, no extreme high tides. I saw a few limbs down on my way to work but no trees down here in town. …

Hurricane Party?

We had 2 people show up for work today – that looks like a hurricane party to me! We won’t do any hauling in these miserable conditions. We have a bit of canvas to remove…


It’s a scramble today – the impending storm is starting to wake people up. From weather.com: Though we feel that it’s likely Sandy will hit some portion of the Northeast or Mid-Atlantic coast, there remains…


I almost didn’t blog today — I know this time of year gets boring. Somehow I still feel compelled to post something, even after a good verbal pummeling several times this morning — for no…


Not much to report today — we have been moving boats into place, hauling, launching and generally getting ready for the influx of storage boats. I have a 44′ Endeavor Trawlercat  coming this weekend which…


Another gorgeous day here in Trappe and we continue on with hauling – 2 more today and one launch. That eats up half our crew now that Willy is not here. The first haul out…


Crisp and sunny with nice weather predicted all week — and we are beginning to haul for winter storage now. It took a while to free up space in the buildings as the boat shows…


John has his boat sales hat on which means I am swamped with work today and hardly have time to do a blog post today — but I’m going to squeeze it in anyway. We…


Alone again, unnaturally.  Everyone is somewhere else working  today but as usual, Alan is manning the fort. I sent a camera with one of them so I could have some photos for tomorrow.  We did…