
I have noticed a steady increase in the readership here. If it keeps up I may be able to sell some advertising (since not many people are using my Amazon link 🙂 I’m on the…


Last Friday before my vacation! It has been a pretty productive week despite have a couple of guys out on vacation. The 42 classic needs to be done by Labor Day and it may be…


Another beautiful August day. Not dog hot but not too cool – just good working conditions. Countdown to my vacation now stands at 5 working days. I’m headed down to Chinquoteague again this year. Going…


I’m off to my dental appointment in a bit to get my crown work done in a few minutes. Nothing I look forward to more than sitting in the dentist’s chair for over an hour!…


I hate to mention the weather, but it was “fluky” all day yesterday and should prove to be the same way today. I don’t mind rain but I don’t like being threatened all day! We…


Still a few guys short this week due to vacations. And speaking of vacations, the countdown continues to mine – 8 working days left. We had a rain day yesterday which was desperately needed and…


I thoroughly enjoyed my infrequent day off. After taking care of many tasks in the morning I got to spend the afternoon out in the workshop. But I should tell you about my trip to…


I did it, I’m out of the office today!! However, it is to the dentist office to have a tooth fixed that I broke a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, I had my camera in…


The painting started on the GB42 cabin yesterday. Since we also had to do the flybridge, we have to do it in two sprays. Notice that the primer is gray. If you use the Awlgrip…


I am going to start the official count down to my vacation which begins on August 26th. My every attempt to take a day off or even a half day off seems to be thwarted…